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The Daniel Fast comes from the Bible, in Daniel 10:2-3, “At that time, I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.”


The true, deep meaning of the Daniel Fast is not just to cleanse your body, but to build a more intimate relationship with God. As you deny your flesh of its wants, you are feeding your soul what it needs.


According to Pastor Derek Williams at Highpointe Church, there are three things you must ask yourself before starting the fast:

  1. What are my MOTIVES behind the fast?

  2. What are the SPECIFIC things I am fasting for?

  3. Are you determined to WORSHIP the Lord during this fast?


You motive should be because you want to pursue God. If you are fasting to lose weight, or because everyone else is doing it, then you aren’t fasting for the right reasons.



If you haven’t yet determined what you want to see God do in your life during the fast, go ahead and determine that now. But remember, the Lord works in mysterious ways. You may not see instant results from God while fasting. Be assured that He hears you and sees the effort you are putting in for Him, and He will reward you according to His perfect timing.


Worship is a very important part of the fast. That’s why we do prayer along with the fast. Dedicate time each day to worship the Lord, thank Him for everything He has done for you, ask Him to help you in the areas you are struggling in, and dive deep into His Word.


Now, onto the specifics about the fast. Everyone always wants to know, “What can I or can’t I have?” So, I’m here to break it down for you!


The basic guidelines of the Daniel Fast are that you may eat:





•Whole grains


You may drink water, but no coffee or tea. You may also have natural fruit juices, but only is they do not contain any preservatives, sugars, etc.


In case you’re wondering if I miss-typed or left something off of the above list, I’m sorry to say that I didn’t. The Daniel Fast does not include:

•Meats (or any animal products)



•Fried food


Eliminating all animal products means you cannot have cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt or any other dairy products. You may not have yeast, baking powder or any other leavening agents, which is why bread is not permitted. However, there are certain breads (like Pita) which do not contain these ingredients and therefore, you may eat them on the fast.


You cannot have any foods that contain artificial additives, chemicals, preservatives, or have been processed. While you will mainly be eating fruits and vegetables on the Daniel Fast, there are some fasting recipes that I have come up with that should satisfy your cravings, like fresh chips and guacamole for a fast-friendly snack!


A Daniel Fast-Friendly Recipe by Kelly's Katering



Corn Chips:

• 1 package corn tortilla

• 1 lime wedge

• 1 tablespoon chili garlic salt or sea salt



• 2 avocados, ripe & halved

• 1 teaspoon sea salt

• 1 lemon

• Black pepper

• ¼ cup cilantro

• ½ to 1 cup diced tomatoes

• ¼ diced purple onion

• Fresh diced jalapeno pepper (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 350

  2. Cut corn tortillas in quarters or eighths. In a medium bowl. toss the tortillas with the lime juice. Then sprinkle with garlic or sea salt over the bowl and toss again.

  3. Line up the tortilla pieces on a baking sheet so they do not overlap. Place in the oven for 7 minutes. Remove the baking sheet and use tongs to flip over each chip. Place back in the oven for 7-10 minutes or until they are crispy.

  4. Remove from oven and let cool. These chips will store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

  5. In a mixing bowl place the sea salt and avocado. Using the backside of a fork, smash the avocado over and over until a chunky avocado spread has formed. Now squeeze the lemon juice over the avocado. Add the purple onion, tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno and salt & pepper. Tasting as you go until it has a the flavor you desire.

  6. Serve with chips and enjoy!

The most important thing to remember while you're fasting is the reason behind it all. Don't get so wrapped up in what you can or can't eat, that you lose sight of what's important: building a stronger relationship with God. Whenever you start to feel weak or like you may falter, PRAY. God will be your strength. And if you do get off track, don't be discouraged! You can get right back on! And don't forget, it's only 21 Days of Fasting, but an eternal relationship with God.

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